Our Brand Story

On 1st December 2021 we launched an exciting new logo and visual identity for the school. This followed a thorough process involving the consultation of our whole community and utilising the design and marketing talents of current and alumni parents. We ran focus groups, undertook a community survey and had a number of design feedback opportunities. The new logo icon is inspired by the pattern of a weave and represents our children ‘weaving their future’ – creating their own stories and forging their own paths. The brand story within the logo identity draws from our school Kaupapa and our vision to ‘grow active learners who make a positive difference.’ It also uses the key words and concepts that our community told us were important about BPS and our school community.
Our community is connected and collaborative (Mahi Tahi) like an interlinking weave. Ascending upwards to the sky, but also grounded at the roots of the icon, the weave symbolises how, with a solid foundation, we support each other to be strong, to develop and to grow here at Birkenhead Primary and beyond (Kia Manawanui, Kia Manawaroa).
The colours are for our whānau groups (Tohorā, Kauri, Kōtuku, Tuatara) and for the sea, bush, sun, and respect and kindness (Manaakitanga).

We can repeat our logo icon weave to create patterns that represents how our weave can grow, just like our tamariki.

An enthusiastic team of volunteers, led by school parents Jane Henderson and Katrina King, have been working throughout 2021 to bring this project to life. Jane and Katrina have been part of the Birkenhead Primary community for the past 10 years and Jane is also an Alumni of the school herself. With backgrounds in graphic design, marketing and communications, they have previously project managed and organised several successful BPS school fairs, trivia nights and discos, the 2019 BPS Centenary celebrations, and they have been instrumental in the foundation and development of the school’s Learning Trust. They are delighted to be part of such a transformational change at the school. Graphic Designer and current school parent Gemma Scott also provided invaluable input and design mahi during the project. Eight current or Alumni parents presented designs as part of the logo development phase. Although it has evolved throughout the process, the original chosen concept design was created by new school parent Lucy Olive (a talented and experienced graphic designer) who is excited that she will see her design around the school throughout her children’s time at BPS.