Walking School Buses
What is a Walking School Bus (WSB)?
The WSB initiative is run by Auckland Transport. On a walking school bus, children walk the route to and from school, supervised by volunteer drivers (usually parents or grandparents), creating a safe and social journey to school. Children either join the bus at the start point or are collected along the route, and then are dropped off within the school gates. Along the way they have an opportunity to socialise and learn about road safety.
Hinemoa Hikers - departs from corner of Rugby Road and Hinemoa Street at 8.20am. It runs all the way up Hinemoa to the school. In the afternoon it returns, leaving school at 3.05pm from the front of the school hall. It arrives at the Hinemoa Street dairy at 3.30pm. This bus runs EVERY morning and afternoon.
Collective Cruisers - meets at Mokoia Rd/Highbury Bypass traffic light intersection for an 8.30am departure. There will be a parent (driver) on either side of the intersection to assist with safe crossings. Once the feeder routes have joined, the bus will cross the lights, then the pedestrian crossing and walk along the left-hand side of Mokoia Road to the school gates. This bus only runs in the morning.
NB: there are a few feeder streets that connect to this route these currently do not have drivers, but link to the Collective Cruisers route without needing to cross any roads.
Blue Route - children walking from Mahara Avenue, Willow Avenue and Mokoia Road will walk to the traffic lights at the intersection of Mokoia and Highbury Bypass (on their side of the road) to meet the driver.
Feeder Streets - Mokoia Road, Mahara Ave & John Court St
Yellow Route - children walking from Colonial Road, Mokoia Road and Porritt Ave will walk to the traffic lights at the intersection of Mokoia and Highbury Bypass (on their side of the street) to meet the driver.
Feeder Streets - Colonial Road, Porritt Ave, Mokoia Road
Green Route - once all children are assembled at the intersection, the Blue route driver will cross to join the Yellow route and then together walk the remainder of the way to school along the left-hand side of Mokoia Ave.
​The children receive 'clicks' on their bus ticket every time they walk on the school bus. When they have accumulated 50, 100, 200 etc. walks they receive prizes and special milestone recognition during school assembly. Term treats are also offered for all registered Walking School Bus children.
You can also get involved by either taking a shift, being a coordinator or helping with Term treats.
Any further enquiries please email using the link below or wsb@bps.school.nz